Loco Parentis™
Increase your talent ROI, boost productivity, and transform your culture with Loco Parentis™ structured mentorship, training, and development programs.
Unlike traditional mentors, a specially trained LocoParent™ works 1:1 with your next-gen workforce, empowering them with the emotional safety & support even the best managers can't provide — and the guidance to grow them into your leaders of tomorrow.
Each year, companies waste billions* on leadership training, without results. The workforce needs an intervention. Be the one to lead the way.

Boost Talent ROI
Attract the highest caliber candidates, reduce acquisition costs & turnover, and improve individual performance & team impact.
Ensure Continuity
Foster the critical transfer of institutional knowledge, history, and insights — while bridging cultural gaps & improving cross-functional communication.
Demonstrate Equity
Build trust & loyalty by living your values, with an emotionally intelligent benefit that builds resilience through support — not struggle.

Leadership development is a $366 billion global industry — yet 75% of companies say it's ineffective.
Only 11% report a strong leadership pipeline. And more than 2/3 of workers state that their immediate boss is the worst part of their lives.
Source: 2022 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Conference.

Loco Parentis™
Structured Mentorship
Professional mentorship programs, training & development that drive intergenerational workplace success:
Onboarding & 1:1 Mentoring Services
RTO & Hybrid Support
Conflict Resolution & Crisis Navigation
Intergenerational Team Facilitation
Staffing Agency Partnerships
Private Career Coaching
An affirming approach to career coaching & professional development, including mentorship & support across career stages:
Tailored Individual Packages
Middle, HS, & Higher Ed Programs
Self-Directed Skills Sprints
Arts Professional / Creative Track
Now Advising: WorkDad™ Secret Squirrel

hack, verb.
To cut through tangled barriers and clear a path;
To ethically access a closed system, deconstruct its dead ends and loopholes, and reconfigure it to serve the greater good;
To not only survive but thrive in a challenging environment, with emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and grace.

It takes soft skills to break hard cycles.
Corporate America has a parenting problem: today's enterprise is ill-equipped to raise healthy workers.
Gen Z’s unique challenges have exposed the cracks, erosions, and broken pillars of our workplace foundations. Most organizations can't meet young employees' basic professional needs, let alone compensate for the challenges of their pandemic-era coming of age.
Smart industries recognize the collective responsibility to reverse the crisis, not only for the well-being of their workforce, but for the future of their business. They’re rejecting disproven tropes, and investing not just in employees’ productivity, but in their emotional well being. It's necessary, and it's the right thing to do. Bottom line.

Officially Loco in 2015. They got taller. A lot taller.

Parentis-ing @HMHAS tour, 2024. See? Taller.

In loco parentis is the common law doctrine that confers the legal obligations of parenthood on non-parent individuals, organizations, and systems.
Hi — I’m Jess, founder of Loco Parentis™ and natural-born WorkMom™.
Real talk: I don’t like telling my own kids that HR is there to protect their employer, not them. But it’s 2025. They already know.
When I’m in Loco Parentis™, my obligation is to the employees with the least power, not the most. I protect their confidentiality, honor their boundaries, and drive their autonomy.
My job is to support them as they learn to do theirs — weird questions, big feelings, imposter syndrome, and all. No judgement, just empathy, validation, and the intel and scripts to navigate their environment. And probably a war story or two. WorkMom™ has seen some sh!t.
Why should they — and you — trust me?
I’m an autistic former pharma lawyer turned professional creative, marketing leader, and entrepreneur who's spent decades immersed in corporate dynamics at every level, from global giants to niche startups.
More importantly, I’m a mom of one and stepmom of three who’s navigated divorce, extended blended families, school bullies, bike wrecks, car crashes, mental health crises, sexual assaults, eating disorders, ideations, hospitalizations. Covid and long covid. Awakenings. Reckonings. Global disasters of every origin. Admissions. Graduations. Promotions. Celebrations. I’ve worked 100% remotely since 2016, in both FTE and consulting roles. I've managed successful teams I’ve never met. I've become my boss's boss. I’m a trained crisis hotline responder living with chronic neurogenic pain and an oppositional immune system. I’ve rocked a red lip and rhinestone cane in the conference hall. My career path looks like a roller coaster designed by Dali and constructed by Escher. In every area of life, I’ve been a facilitator and mediator. An advocate and a buffer. The one to bridge the gaps. I'm a Boomer icon with fire meme game. I'm fluent in corporate, but my first language is compassion. And my first priority is the next generation. Your Gen Z teams deserve a WorkMom™ who sets them up for success, with curiosity, empathy, and authenticity. Let’s talk about how to meet their needs — together. Yours in Loco Parentis™, Jess Ruzz Founder + WorkMom™